Makan di Dalam Resto Tidak Boleh Pakai Sedotan Plastik
Demi mengurangi sampah plastik, instansi pemerintah, sekolah, pusat perbelanjaan, dan restoran cepat saji (seperti Mac Donald’s & KFC) tidak boleh menyediakan sedotan plastik bagi yang makan di dalam. Bagi yang melanggar akan didenda 1200 NTD hingga 6000 NTD.
Naik Bis di Taipei City dan New Taipei City Harus Gesek Kartu Saat Naik maupun Turun Bis
Naik bis di Taipei City dan New Taipei City harus gesek kartu saat naik maupun turun bis. Sekarang tengah dijalankan bagian satu yakni mengimbau. Bagian dua adalah resmi dijalankan mulai Februari tahun depan. Jika tidak menggesek kartu saat naik dan turun bis, maka keuntungan saat menyambung kendaraan lain tidak akan diberikan.
Sanksi Berkendara Saat Mabuk akan Diperberat, Ditambah Sanksi Bagi yang Turut Menumpang, dan Sanksi Pengemudi Kendaraan Bermotor
Sanksi berkendara saat mabuk diperberat menjadi minimal 30 ribu NTD dan maksimal 120 ribu NTD. Penumpang di atas umur 18 tahun juga akan dikenakan denda. Mengendarai kendaraan bermotor saat mabuk juga didenda minimal 600 NTD dan maksimal 1200 NTD, bagi yang menolak tes minuman alkohol juga akan didenda 2400 NTD.
New regulations begin on July 1 |
Disposable plastic straws are not available for internal use
In order to reduce the amount of plastics, government departments, schools, department stores and shopping centers, chain fast food restaurants (such as McDonald's, KFC, etc.) four categories of objects, Can not provide disposable plastic straws in the store, violations must be penalty nt1,200- to nt6000-.
Taipei city and New Taipei city bus will be swiped getting on and off the bus
The Taipei city and New Taipei city bus fare will be changed to swiped the card as getting on and off the bus. At present, the first phase is encouraged. It will be officially implemented in the second phase in February next year. If you do not complete swiped the card, you will not be able to enjoy the transfer discount.
Increased drunk driving burden and added penalty and bicycle drunk driving
The drunk driving violations increase the penalty, the minimum penalty is nt30,000-, the maximum can be up to nt120,000-; and the drunk driving will also take the penalty, the same car with the wine rack, passengers over the age of 18 will be punished; bicycle drunk driving also has a penalty, the lowest nt600- up to nt1,200-, refused alcohol test, penalty nt2,400-.
Quy định mới ngày 1/7 bắt đầu |
Ăn trong tiệm không cung cấp ống hút nhựa 1lần
Vì hạn chế lượng sử dụng đồ nhựa ,bộ phận chínhphủ ,trường học ,bách hóa và khu trung tâm mua sắm ,những tiệm bán đồ ăn nhanh như (mai dang lao ,KFC vân vân )đối với 4 đối tượng lớn ,khi ăn trong tiệm không cung cấp ống nhựa sử dụng 1 lần nếu vi phạm bị phạt từ 1200-6000đài tệ
Đài bắc tân đài bắc khi lên xuống xe đều phải dập thẻ
Đài bắc tân đài bắc thu phí thống nhất khi lên xuống xe đều phải dập thẻ ,trước mắt giai đoạn đầu là giai đoạn thử ,tháng 2 sang năm giai đoạn 2 bắt đầu thực hiện ,nếu ai lên xuống xe khônrg dập thẻ ,sẽ không có khuyến mãi khi đi xe .
Uống rượu lái xe và người cùng xe đều bị phạt kể cả người đi xe đạp cũng vậy
Người lái xe uống rượu tăng mức phạt ,mức phạt nhẹ nhất 3vạn ,cao nhất lên tới 12 vạn ,khi người ḷái xe uống rượu kể cả người ngồi sau cũng bị phạt ,đồng thời người chưa đầy 18 tuổi ngồi cùng xe cũng bị phạt ,người đi xe đạp uống rượu cũng bị phạt ,mức phạt ít nhất 600 cao nhất 1200 ,người từ chối kiểm tra sẽ bị phạt 2400 đài tệ.
กฎระเบียบใหม่วันที่ 1 กรกฎาคม |
เพื่อเป็นการลดปริมาณพลาสติก,หน่วยงานราชการ、โรงเรียน、 ห้างสรรพสินค้าและศูนย์การค้าร้านอาหารจานด่วน (เช่น McDonald's, KFC เป็นต้น)วัตถุสี่ประเภท,อย่าให้หลอดพลาสติกทิ้งสำหรับใช้ภายใน,ผู้กระทำผิดสามารถกำหนดค่าปรับ ได้ตั้งแต่ 1,200 หยวนถึง 6,000 หยวน。
การดื่มสุราและการขับรถเพิ่มโทษ,บทลงโทษขั้นต่ำ 30,000 หยวน,สูงถึง 120,000 หยวน;และการเมาแล้วขับผู้นั่งรถด้วยจะเป็นการลงโทษด้วย,กับผู้เมาขับรถนั่งรถด้วยกัน,ผู้โดยสารที่อายุเกิน 18 ปีจะถูกลงโทษด้วย;จักรยานเมาแล้วขับยังมีค่าปรับต่ำสุด 600 หยวนสูงสุด 1,200 หยวน,ปฏิเสธที่จะวัดแอลกอฮอล์ที่ ,ค่าปรับ2,400 หยวน。
人力仲介 |外勞、 外籍看護工、 幫傭、 廠勞、 監護工 等最棒的外勞申請 服務請找東南亞外勞仲介