一、 | 目 的:照護園區國際移工,培養第二專長 Purpose: Take care of Migrant Workers and help them develop the second specialty. |
二、 | 主辦單位:經濟部加工出口區管理處、台弟工業公司 Host: Export Processing Zone Administration and Brother Industries. |
三、 | 開課日期: 初級班-106年11月7日至107年1月9日 每星期二09:00~12:00 Date: Beginner’s Class - 9:00-12:00 on each Tuesday from November 7th to January 9th , 2018. |
四、 | 上課地點:台弟公司縫紉推廣教室(楠梓加工出口區開發路76號) Location: Sewing Classroom of Brother Industries (No.76 Kaifa Rd., Nanzi Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan) |
五、 | 招生人數:15人 Quota: 15 persons |
六、 | 報名日期:自即日起至11月3日止,額滿提前截止。 Registration Date: From now on to November 3rd . The deadline will be advance when the quota is full. |
七、 | 報名地點:從業員工育樂活動中心(經二路15號) Registration Location: Employee Service Center (No.15 Jin 2nd Rd. , Nanzi Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan) |
八、 | 洽詢專線:3617171,李維仁先生,盧美緣小姐(台弟公司),3613111轉371 Contact Number: 07-3617171 Mr. Wei-Jen Li or 07-3613111#371 Miss Mei-Yuan Lu (Brother Industries) |
九、 | 課程內容:認識機器、認識布料、運用工具介紹。(作品內容由台弟公司專業老師決 定並視情況隨時更改,作品完成後由老師評價並頒與結業證書) Content: Understanding of Sewing Machine and Clothes and introduction of tools. (The work will be determined and rated by instructors, then award a certificate) |
十、 | 相關費用: Fee: |
1. | 免報名費 No registration fee. |
2. | 課程材料包每份1,800元,由學員自費負擔,於開課時繳交。(作品由學員留存自用) The material fee is 1,800 NT dollars for each and should be paid when the class starts. (The works could be kept by students.) |
3. | 上課所需縫紉機由台弟公司提供。 Brother Industries will offer the sewing machine. |
4. | 上課所需工具可委由授課老師統一代為採購。 The tools in class could be purchased by instructors. |
十一、 | 注意事項:如有未盡事宜,得由主辦單位隨時修訂之。 Notice. The host could modify the regulations when needed. |